Thursday, 29 March 2007

Recap time

Been working tonight and got a coursework deadline for tomorrow so havent played much last 2 days. i played for 5/6 mins tonight just because i got the urge and won $5 dollars or sumthing in that region which is alright. works out at $60 an hour so il take it.
just thort id report on the shape of my BR and my next milestone because couldnt remember if i had already. i am aiming to reach $250 before i move up limits again to $.1/.25 or something along those lines and with easter holidays coming up i will have plenty of time to reach this. i am hoping by the end of the holidays (2 weeks) i have all school work done which i need to, revision in full motion and over $250 in the kitty. we will soon see.

Current BR: $149.78

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Up the stakes

I am pleased to report that i reached my $120 target tonight which means i allowed myself to move up the blinds to $.05/.1 and you may think what? you made $50 in one night on $.02/.04 blinds? afraid not, i recommended a friend to Party so they gave me a $50 bonus. i was thinking about ignoring this and instead aiming to get $170 so i would have reached $120 in my own mind but whats the point? i only wanted, no needed to reach $120 so i would only be risking 5% of my BR at any time, the sooner the better.

So how did i fare in this unknown territory? pretty good. i was planning to buy in for $6 and moving down to 4 tables until i settle in but automatically opened 4 games and deposited $4 on all. its all good though because i still made plenty on the allowence i gave myself. i made a good call on the flop after a preflop call from my reraise with AK on a 4 7 9 board. he had A10. did he think he was winning? i was suprised with how well i did actually on these blinds, it seems so much more easier to beat it and take their money. ended up winning $13 in the first 7 minutes

before playing these blinds i must confess i stuck sum money in my old limits, managed to get down to 52c after by 78 on an A78 flop was beaten by A8 and with an 8 on turn i could never have got away from it. on leaving the table i had $8.50 though which tipifies how well i am playing even after such a beat.

Isnt poker a great game? sometimes.

Current BR:$137.42

Monday, 26 March 2007

Whats been happening?

So what have i been upto recently? well ive changed from 4-tabling to 5-tabling which means i am playing more hands and inevitably winning more money. i seemed to hit 2/3 amazing flops tonight.
The first was my 10 5 on bb the flop coming 5510 2 spades, i chek n 1 guy bets pot, other calls n i call. the turn is another spade so gessing 1 of them was calling with a FD, i bet quite big. i get reraised and all 3 end up all in. end of hand 1 mucks and other shows K high flush.
The second was my A10 with a 1010A flop, obviously i took that down with a fair profit.
The third was a strange 1. i have KK on SB. there is a raise so i decide to reraise and 1 called. the flop is AK7 so assuming he has atleast an ace i bet. he reraises so i put him on AK at this point. the turn is another A so im not sure if im winning or not. i continue to check/call and end up taking a nice pot as he flips A10. bad read but i stil took a nice pot.

So im doing quite well atm. i was so tempted to do sum STTs tonight but decided to stay strong and disciplined. turned out well for me tonight. i am still trying to work my BR upto $120 so i can move up to the next blinds. things are looking promising at the moment. can i actually complete a successful challenge of turning $20 into a decent sum? time will tell.

Current BR: $72.53

Saturday, 24 March 2007

up up up

I realise i havent posted for a while but ive been busy with school, paintballing and footy so i havent played much. i finished with my 1st loss today before i went out. it was only a loss of $4 but still pretty demoralising as it was the first time iv left the site with less than i opened with.

so today i played for about 15 minutes before football while my girlfriend was still in bed. she woke up and i obviously couldnt concentrate which is why i ended up down. i left the tables knowing i didnt want to lose any more money because i couldnt focus

i played tonight and won a few nice pots, 1 of which stood out. i had J6 on sb and with 4 limpers i call and bb checked. the flop was 664 2 diamonds i checked, bb bet out about the size of pot and 2 others called. i decided to raise fairly big and raised to the size of the pot. bb called and after a short wait 1 other decided to call. i knew now he had the FD. the turn brought 10d so i knew i was beat but if a 4,6,10 or J came i would take it. i bet about 10x bb,not much cmpared to the pot, bb reraised minimum and the other person who i kned had the flush called so i called with not much money left. the turn brought a 10 filling me up and i obviously went all in for not much more and took it down. loved it

i may do abit more grinding later tonight and have thought about putting some money into a seperate acount to play stt and mtt. my cash game is definately improving tho as i used to play really tight in turbo tournys so if i didnt hit cards then that was it. but now in cash i play all sorts depending on my position.

sorry this post is bit rubbish, i promise il liven it up next time

Current BR:$62.04..........going up

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

So the role continues

tonight has been another good night. im not really sure what is happening.
and the grind against poor players has also improved my school game. i can easily put people on cards and outplay them at the same time. cheers 4 buying my dinner guys.

So onto tonight. 3 main hands to talk about.
the first happened when i limped with K10 off on button. the flop came KQ9. 1 guy raised 5x bb and me and another called. the turn was a J giving me the str8. he bet loads the other guy folded and i called. the river was a harmless 5 and he shipt it all in. i obvously called and won with the straight as he flips K3. moron

The second is a rite beauty; i get AA 2 b4 button. there is a bet,call,raise,call then i reraise, others fold leavin me and 1 other who reraises so i reraise al in n he calls. the flop is 10 high and he shows AKd. SHIP IT!!

This last hand is stupid but just wanted t kno wot u guys think. i have AQc n raise it to 3x bb in fairly early position. 1 called and blinds fold. the flop is j high 2 clubs. so this guy ships it for $2.46 when there is 30c in pot so i fold. thats the right thing to do rite?

managed to more than double my BR in last few days-very happy with myself

Current BR: $44.59 Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip

I've made an average of $10.46 a day so my aims now should be to made atleast $11 each night which should be easily achievable with how things are going which will mean i can move to $.05/.1 blinds once i reach a BR of $100

Monday, 19 March 2007

What a day

tonight started off perfectly-i booked my leeds festival ticket and bought another to sell. i put it on ebay and within 5 minutes its goin for £150-the same price i bought it for. how much will this sell? only time will tell.

anyway onto the important stuff. what a night iv had i poker tonight. i went to monks X tonight and purchased my second poker book with a gift voucher i got for Xmas. i havent read any yet tho

ive been feeling really positive about poker today which has probably run off the back of yesterday. 1 hand stands out tonight when i had aces. 4 to the flop as i reraised preflop. last to act i call a raise after the flop which shows 2 diamonds all rags. the next card pairs the board and again first to act raises large. actually 22x bb lol. both call and i figure atleast 1 has the flush draw so i raise all in for another 70x bb happy to take down the pot if no1 calls. i get 1 caller and the river is no diamond. he flips his flush draw with an up/down str8 draw and i rake a huge pot.
i have hit afew other cards and played well tonight with the exception of now being able to get away from my AQ when i know another guy has the set of aces. overall a pleasing night.

Current BR: $35.38.............RESULT!!!

Sunday, 18 March 2007

So what? its profit

Before i start, i just wanted to thank Brent for the advice in the last post.

So thankfully today was a new day. i worked till 12.45 today so again i havent had much time to play. im looking forward to easter when i have no work on and plenty of time to play.

anyway not much to say because iv only played 30 mins today but iv made abit of profit which is always nice to hear
Current BR: $15.24

i decided to save this blog and add to it before posting. so i got back from work n 3rd hand in hit AA. i was just before the button and after a limp and a raise i reraised then got raised all in so i called and the other guy called. the flop came 2 5 10 2hearts so i was feeling confident. turn and river brought 2 more hearts leaving 4 on the board. 1 guy shows pocket 5s with a heart. the other guy mucks and i have spade diamond AA so also much. what a joke.

Current BR: a poor $11.10

Determined not to give up i carried on the grind hoping teh cards would come-and they did. i got down to $1 on 1 of my tables when a guy kept betting with 7 high and an inside straight draw and hit on the river. i managed to build this up to $8.50 playing hands like 99 and JJ like heaven when i hit a set on the flop and a 10 high board respectively with my jacks.

so today has been a day of ups and downs but atleast i have found you can hit hands and outplay people at the lower levels.

Current BR:$18.17

im sorry that iv posted again but had to let you know how fun tonight has been. i played so well reraising people with 9 high and hitting some nice cards. so im finally at my highest point in this grind.

Current BR: $23.76

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Is this really poker?

Im not sure what i am doing is such a good idea. the stakes are just so low you get such terrible players who refuse to lay down straight draws. i had a player just then calling a raise and a reraise from me when i had AA with Q5. maybe i should go with the original plan of depositing $100 and starting again so my BR has the capacity to play slightly higher stakes of $.05/.1 so the players, if you can call them that, wont chase every draw under the sun.

anyway back to today. its been awful. i got home from my girlfriends this morning slightly tired and played poker for about 45 mins. twice i limp with QJ the flop came QJ10. i would raise massive and a player would continue to call until they hit their straight on the river. no wait, make that 3 times. just happened again.

current BR: $13.20
Profit: dont really care to count

lets hope tomorrow throws me a life jacket, otherwise bring on the credit card details cos im here to play poker, not play clowns

Friday, 16 March 2007

Second bash

iv continued the grind tonight and had quite a fun time
ok so my accounts still only on $23.31 but so what? iv only played 30 mins or so and i feel i am playing well on such shite limits. the players actually r rubbish. every so often you get a player whos dusnt go all in with A3 but on party they seem friendly and fine about losing a couple of quid so its all good. im out tonight so wont play anymore tonight. usually i mite fire up n play some MTTs rebuys or wotever is going but not now. NO TIRED /DRUNK or TILTED poker remember?
Current BR: $23.31

Thursday, 15 March 2007


iv changed my mind slightly. iv decided to use the little BR i have on party and see what i can turn that into when playing good solid poker on 4 tables at once, even if it is on embarassing $.02/.04 blinds but its all my BR can afford right now. iv played for 45 mins or so tonight. tried some raises in late position with rag aces and played good poker. 1 real hand stood out. i have AQc in late position. UTG a guy who has been playn fairly aggressive after losing a hand raises all in for $2.50, and i decide to call a.because there was only me and the blinds left in and b. because i put him on a week hand from his previous betting patterns. he turns A3 and i hit a Q on flop. game over
Start BR $19.33
Current BR $22.09
ok so its only pound or so but its a start. at the moment its not how much that counts, its all about the style, technique, and the fact my BR is goin in the green direction

My new challenge

Ive read many blogs on here from both friends and strangers and found them thoroughly enjoyable and benefitial to me so i have decided to set myself a challenge-the challenge to become a grinder and care about if i lose, reflecting on why this happened rather than just taking it and shooting up another table blaming other people on calling when perhaps i allowed them to hit and really it was my fault i was knocked out.

I want to improve my game, and in doing so earn steady money for an 18 year old still in college. i play to start Partypoker under a new name and with $100 to get me going. i have decided to play mainly cash games playing 4-6 at a time low limit of only $.05/.1 and eventually moving up as my BR increases. i will play only when i feel confident in myself and stop if i think im tilting. im also going to buy afew poker books and gain knowledge about playing positions and players rather than just the cards im dealt. wish me luck. the grind starts now

My poker life so far

My poker journey began when i was 16. i downloaded partypoker not really understanding the game too much. i knew the basic card ranks and had got the buzz after watching my brother play his low limit games on blue sqr. obviously i wasnt old enough to deposit funds so i would go on the play money tables not really caring if i won or lost.

Just before my 17th birthday i found that my dad had an account on willhill and that you could play online poker there. i won a football bet which i had put on earlier that year on liverpool which got my online poker career started with a BR of £10. i played £1.20 STTs and managed to increase my BR to £30 in a week or 2. obviously beginners luck. a few months later i ended up £50/60/70 down and had been withdrawing money from my dads account without him knowing. he found out and tried to stop me playing online. i started playing MTTs with bigger rewards and won my first tournament winning £97. i payed back my dad and closed the account as i found the beats on this site were fast and predictable. i opened a real money account on partypoker using my brothers card and began slowly increasing my BR from $57 to around $330 in a couple of months as i only played $6 STT. i withdrew £120 and started again to make sure i didnt play stakes which i felt were too high for the amount of money i had coming in from my job which was only around £25 a week so £120 seemed a lot at this time. i had a run of 2 months or so when my BR drifted up and down without anything really happening. in August i discovered football betting on and withing 2 weeks of betting on accumilators of 5 or 6 games won my first larger bet and took $160 increasing my BR to about $250. in the months that followed my poker play went really well and i was full of convidence bluffing at right times and almost always placing top 3 still in $6 STTs.

Turning 18 in september i began playing more often and accidently entered my first ever limit MTT with a friend who is alot more experienced than me. i came 1st and won $417 dollars-the biggest win of my poker career so far. i withdrew £350 leaving my BR at $150 but since then things started to go down hill. i dont seem to hit cards and my game has gone downhill so the main reason for starting this, like many other players is to try and focus more when playing and take the game more seriously.

so thats just abit about my poker background. now onto the challenge i plan to set myself