Thursday 5 April 2007

throw me a fricking bone

i was going to post my recent performances 2 days ago but i thort id wait to see if my luck picked up.
in 2 didnt, in fact it just got a whole lot worse
for the first time in my blog, i am having to post that i am down from my last one.
as well as getting shit luck, iv also started playing shit. y do i keep trying to bluff and refusing to lose a pot? WTF IS MY PROBLEM!!! fold for fuck sake
another reason why im down is because i cant hit a flop. if i limp with a low PP i get shit all on the flop, but if i am forced to fold from a raise i wud have made a set.
this happens to all bidding poker players though so im not too worried. your luck goes for a while and im sad to say because of this, the tilt monster has come out, especially tonight where people trying to bluff me have got lucky on the river.
i think the only positive note today is that i played a HU match-an old pastime of mine, and i won. it was hilarious though. the guy i played min raised preflop and then if i checked after the flop, he would raise 10x bb atleast. all i had to do was wait for a hand, induce the bet and then ship it home. the guy was called novisbob-quite a suitable name id say.
am i planning to change how i play? yes. i will play like i used to and stop being a hero. AND FOCUS FFS. concentration is key to becoming a good player.

please poker gods, throw me a fricking bone!!!

Current BR:a dissapointing $149.89

this is shit baring in mine i had broken the $180 mark a few days ago and thought i was well on the way to $.1/.25

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