Sunday, 9 March 2008

willhill the fuckin conning bastard

played a couple of torns again 2nite wen i gt home 4rm work. played $5 thunder and came nowhere, shit structure rly. played the SCALP collecters where theres no prize pool and all the money goes on ur head. managed to take 4 heads and took $14.84 from $4 buyin. only played these 2 cos i like sumit t do while playing my fav game atm......
also played the $5 head hunter. came 2nd l.nite n thort id give it another pop.
big double up mid way limp KJ and called guy nxt to me all in since he was shiping almost every hand and shown 85 etc, he flops 84 or sumit n i won with pair J. another good double up with 99 vs 33 after betting pre and check/call all in 944 flop. reached FT 2nd in chips and looking for another gud finish this time round.
but no, fuk my life!!!!!
i get QJ on button no limpers, i bet 3x bb calls flop is J high 3 clubs i have Q clubs. he bet i raise all in he calls with J9, turn blank river 9 diamonds! wtf is this site!!!!
afew hands later utg i get 99 i go all in for 13k blinds 1600 button raise all in bb also all in. flop 224 turn A river 5. 1 guy has Ak other has 55.
if id knokt that other guy out id av got his $15 head plus 1/3 of chips on table with 7 left. fuk sake. as it is i go out in 7th with $29.19 altogether. y do i run so sick wen it matters so much!

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